Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mark Schultz concert

Since the girls were little we have always listened to Mark Schultz. His songs have really spoke to my heart during difficult times in my life. The girls have wanted to see him in concert for a while now. So when we found out he was coming in concert we bought tickets. The seats were upfront, three rows from the stage. When the music started you could feel the beat of the drum resonate in your body. The opening act for Mark Schultz was Point of Grace. Emma really like their music. During intermission they had a goal of people sponsoring 75 children through World Vision. Emma had sponsored a child in Nicaragua a couple of years ago. She has enjoyed writing Maria Louisa and sending pictures back and fourth. Hannah and Kristen really wanted to sponsor a child of their own so we let them each pick a child. Hannah picked a little girl a year younger than her that lives in Ethiopia, Africa. Kristen pick a little boy her age from Zambia, Africa. Both children live in villages with HIV Aids. Hannah and Kristen were so excited and have already started drawing pictures and writing letters to their sponsored child. Because they meet their goal, anyone who sponsored a child got to go backstage and meet Mark Schultz and Point of Grace. They talked to us, played more songs and the girls got their pictures taken with them. We didn't get home until 11 pm. The girls thought it was AWESOME and so did we!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear you and your family had a great time at the Mark Schultz/Point of Grace "Come Alive" Tour. If you are interested, you should check out and download some free songs including one by "Point of Grace." Check it out!

GivMusic Team