Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kelson's 4th Birthday

This year we didn't celebrate Kelson's birthday on his actual birthdate. The girls and Pete and I went to see Mark Schultz and Point of Grace in concert. Kelson hung out with Stacey, our babysitter. They went to get his birthday cake and went to get something to eat. Stacey asked Kelson if he wanted to get something to eat. He said,"Yes!" She asked him what he wanted to go eat. He said,"Food." How cute! We celebrated his birthday on Sunday. This was the first year Kelson didn't have a construction vehicle birthday. This year he had a Rescue Heroes birthday party. He was excited when he saw the table decorated in the morning. He kept asking when he was going to eat his cake. After church we ate lunch and Nanny came over and we ate cake. Then he opened presents. He got a Rescue Hero Firetruck with a man and woman firefighter and Police Helicopter. And a forklift that makes sounds. Hannah and Kristen got him a walking, talking dinosaur. Emma got him a Lightning McQueen MAC truck. Kristen also wrote a song for Kelson and played it on the piano.

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