Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cumberland Island

On the Saturday before we left we took a ferry from St. Marys, Georgia to Cumberland Island. We learned about the history of the Carnegie family who owned the majority of the island. When Lucy Carnegie died she willed the island to the federal government. Now the majority of the island is a state park. Lucy had horses delivered to her island when she lived there and in her will she stated they must remain wild. The horses had just had five baby foals. One of them especially liked Emma (see photo). We were the first to walk the beach and found a huge conch shell completely in tacked (see photo of Emma), saw horseshoe crabs, shells we've never seen before (see photo of Hannah) and two sand dollars (see photo of Kristen). Kristen was especially happy because she promised to find one for MeMe. The girls completed a booklet with information about the island as part of the ranger program and received real ranger badges. The girls said after finding the BIG conch shell and sand dollars that it was the best beach they had ever been on. They felt like they were Nim from Nim's Island because there was no one around. It was an awesome day! We will definately go back.

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