Friday, December 18, 2009

Visiting Friends

The children were very excited that their friends the Delanos were coming to stay with us. Their Mom & Dad had to attend a class out of state so their children stayed with us. Our friends had moved away 1.5 years ago and we've only been able to visit them twice. So it was a real treat for them to come and stay with us for 10 days. I tried to plan the most exciting Advent activities while they were here. But I think they just like hanging out together the best.

One of the fun days we had was when we had a Snow Day. The night before I read stories about Snow Days and Snowflake Bentley. The next morning the windows were covered with that spray snow. I put fake sparkle snow in and on different decorations throughout the house. Jack got to pick the pocket that morning and pulled out candy snowflakes. God blessed us with a beautiful day too. It had been in the 80's and that day the highest it got was 60 degrees. I bought the snow that grows from Steve Spangler science website and they played in the snow. They also ate snowman popcorn which is popcorn, marshmellows and pretzel sticks. Emma and Elyse also got a BIG to go horseback riding!

Another fun day was Gingerbread Day. We went to the Gingerbread Extravaganza and then came home and made gingerbread men and women. Because it was raining and the little ones desperately needed a nap, the kids got to watch Night at the Museum 2.

We went to the zoo and spent six hours playing and looking at animals. Of course we did some school too. The Delanos are learning about Africa so Stacey showed them pictures and told them stories about being a missionary in Africa. The girls dressed in traditional African clothing that Stacey use to wear. The older children had to do an Animal Investigation sheet on an African animal they learned about at the zoo. While we were in the kids zone the children found they monkey bars and put palm leaves on them and pretended they were huts. One was a cooking hut and the other was the sleeping hut.

Tonight the older girls were surprised when we invited another one of their friends over for a sleep over. I kept telling them that someone was coming to the house to surprise them. They couldn't figure out who it was. What a great surprise! They all screamed with joy when they realized their friend was standing on the front porch.

God has really given me grace during this time taking care of seven children. Especially a couple of evenings when I was here by myself putting everyone to bed. I have prayed that I would be patient with so many and He has been faithful. I am not saying every moment of the day went smoothly because it didn't. But, we did laugh a lot, have tickle time before bed, give lots of hugs, play chase, and play Monster hide and seek. Included are some pictures of our time together.

1 comment:

Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

What a lovely post! Your pictures are awesome, and I loved reading your descriptions of your children's "doings". I'm also a huge Spangler fan, and I really, really liked the way you combined reading with science, using the two sweet books and the Insta-Snow. Thank you so much for sharing!