Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Visit from Auntie & Uncle

We had a pleasant visit with Auntie Kristen and Uncle Dan a couple of weeks ago. One day we went to the Georgia Sea Turtle Center on Jekyll Island. We are learning about sea turtles in our Apologia science class at coop. We saw injured turtles and watched the doctor do procedures on them through a big glass window. The center had many hands on activities for all ages.

Afterwards we went back to Amelia Island Plantation and played on the beach until dinner. While at dinner you could look out the window and see a fake shark hanging up on the boat docks. (Couldn't resist taking a picture.)

We had a relaxing weekend going to the kids soccer games, playing basketball, catching lizards and riding bikes. Hope to have them come back soon to visit with the rest of their family.

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