Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Vacation at Amelia Island

We had a great time at Amelia Island in August for 10 days of nothing but fun in the sun. We took the family to Amelia Island by way of the Mayport Ferry. Their first car ferry ride. Kelson especially loved that! The condo we stayed at was right on the beach and the pool was at our back door. We enjoyed morning and evening walks on the beach, playing in the pool all day. It was great with no cell phone, no computer, so no emails which means NO STRESS! My mom came and stayed with me when Pete went back to work during the week. We visited Fort Clinch (see other posting for details). During our vacation we saw so many animals up close and personal. Everything from a sandflea(see photo), sea turtles laying their eggs, snakes, baby possums, six deer of which four where fawns, spiders and many other animals. One night at the beach we found a sea snails (see photo). We took him back to the condo in a bucket and the kids watched it and sketched it. Then we let him go. The kids said it was the best vacation they ever had. Just being in one spot and only going on two discovery trips. We played Monopoly and other board games while Kelson was napping. We watched Swiss Family Robinson (the old version) of which the kids thought was GREAT! We had a surprise visit from Pirate Pete after reading books about pirates. He came with treasures for all!!!

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