Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Upward Soccer

This year the girls are playing Upward Soccer again. Emma is on a team called the Tigers with her friend Mandy, who goes to our coop. The twins are on the Ladybugs. Pete coaches the Ladybugs. The girls love to play soccer! Kelson likes to go because he gets to play with his cars in the dirt. He told me the other day,"They have really good dirt here." I believe him. When we get ready to leave his is a mess! It has been very humid, even in October. The temperature last Saturday during the games was in the 100's with the humidity being so high. They had to shorten the games so the kids didn't get overheated. The girls like playng on Saturday because they get a slushy to help cool them down. The twins team is so cute. They really like each other a lot and spend more time talking than playing. Oh well, Pete keeps telling them it doesn't matter if you win. It matters if you had fun or not.

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