Friday, February 27, 2009

No More Diapers!!!!

Yes, it finally happened...Kelson is potty trained. Praise God! We started to potty train back on his 3rd birthday and he would go pee, but not consistantly. Actually, I did not have the energy to make it work so he wore a pull up or diaper. After Christmas when he started school his teacher said her son Graham, Kelson's little friend, was potty trained and she did it by making him wear underwear and took away the diapers and pull ups. I remember doing that with the girls and they were basically potty trained with in the week. Later that week Kelson came up to me when he went poo and said, "I have a poopy and I don't like it. I need a new pull up." Well, you don't need to remind me three times. It all came back to me, especially if you can tell me when you need changed. So out went the pull ups and in came the big boy underwear. Ever since then he has been potty trained and that was back in the end of January. The first week he refused to go poop in the potty and saved it for his naps or bed so he could poop in his diaper. I told him if he pooped in the potty he could get a firetruck. They said he did it at school, but he hadn't done it at home. That Friday at coop he told me he had to go and he did. After he pooped he turned to look in the potty and said,"Look Mommy! It's a dolphin." I still laugh when I think of it.

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