Friday, February 27, 2009

Around the World in 180 Days-Next Stop Africa

This year our theme for homeschooling has been Around the World in 180 Days (like the book Around the World in 80 Days, except you are required to school for 180 in Florida). We have been studying different countries and learning about their culture as well as praying for those who are lost. When learning about the country of Africa we had the privilege of a missionary who was home of furlough to talk to us. Stacey Roberts was a missionary in Cameroon, Africa. She brought a slide show on her computer to share her time in Africa as well as some paintings and art. Her skirt was one of the skirts she would have worn in Africa except she didn't wear the top and head cover she would have worn. She told stories of the mosquitos and having to sleep in houses with thatched roofs that were open to the night air between the house and the roof. How at night they had to put mosquito nets around them or they could get malaria and how the bats would fly in the house at night time. It was often so hot, average temperature 105 degrees, they would sleep outside so they could have some wind. The would sleep on lounge chairs and tuck their nets in around them. Often after they turned off their flashlights they would hear noises. When they turned on their flashlights there were rats all around them. With these living conditions you tend to pray a lot! She told about their religion and how the women dressed. The children were captivated and had lots of questions. At the end she shared with them from the Bible and we prayed for Stacey and another family, the Browns, who were leaving for Africa the next day.

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