Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pinewood Derby

The twins are in Pioneers at our church. Every year Pioneers Club hosts a Pinewood Derby. This year the twins decided they wanted to make a car. They didn't want to just buy one that was pre-made, they wanted to built it with their Daddy from a block of wood. So we bought the wood block kit that had basically a block of wood and wheels. The girls and their Daddy went to a workshop and made their cars. Today they raced their cars at the Pinewood Derby. Hannah's truck, which is light blue, won 1st, 2nd & 3rd place during a couple of races. And Kristen's truck, metallic blue, won 1st, 3rd & 4th place during a couple of races. Kristen won a trophy for 2nd place in best design from a block of wood. Kelson enjoyed eating and watching the races. Emma and her friend Emma helped at the bake sale. It was a long, but fun day!

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