Monday, March 9, 2009

Kelson's Funny Comments

I just had to write down Kelson's funny comments before I forget them.

When Kelson toots he says,"Excuse me tooted." When he burps he says,"Excuse me burpie." So now whenever anyone in our family does any of these bodily functions we say the same thing.

When he wants to go to McDonalds he say,"Let's go to Hot Donalds."

He loves to have "notemeal" (oatmeal) every morning.

One time Kelson kept asking me to sing the "bean" song. I told him I didn't know the bean song and asked him if he learned it at school. He told me I sing it and proceeded to get very upset with me. Well, 4 or 5 months later we were driving in the car and I was singing him a variety of kids Sunday school songs. I sang "Jesus Wants Me for A Sunbeam," and he yelled, "Mommy, you remembered the BEAN song!"

He loves to go to the "Tractor Store" (otherwise known as Lowes) with Daddy.

He tells family "I wuv you."

He keeps asking us, "Can I go see Pampa today?" (Grandpa Davis). When he sees Grandpa Davis's Cadillac he touches it and say,"Uhhhh...I like it." Then he asks to sit in it.

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