Monday, March 9, 2009

Abraham Lincoln...double take

At coop we are studying American History. Here are the twins in their Abraham Lincoln costumes.

Kelson's Funny Comments

I just had to write down Kelson's funny comments before I forget them.

When Kelson toots he says,"Excuse me tooted." When he burps he says,"Excuse me burpie." So now whenever anyone in our family does any of these bodily functions we say the same thing.

When he wants to go to McDonalds he say,"Let's go to Hot Donalds."

He loves to have "notemeal" (oatmeal) every morning.

One time Kelson kept asking me to sing the "bean" song. I told him I didn't know the bean song and asked him if he learned it at school. He told me I sing it and proceeded to get very upset with me. Well, 4 or 5 months later we were driving in the car and I was singing him a variety of kids Sunday school songs. I sang "Jesus Wants Me for A Sunbeam," and he yelled, "Mommy, you remembered the BEAN song!"

He loves to go to the "Tractor Store" (otherwise known as Lowes) with Daddy.

He tells family "I wuv you."

He keeps asking us, "Can I go see Pampa today?" (Grandpa Davis). When he sees Grandpa Davis's Cadillac he touches it and say,"Uhhhh...I like it." Then he asks to sit in it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mealworms and Snails...No that's not our dinner!

Thought I'd get your attention with that title. Before we left for EPCOT Kristen tells her Daddy. Please make sure you take care of my mealworm and snail for me. I thought to myself only our little girl would have a mealworm and a snail for a pet. We don't ever have ordinary pets around here. She has been begging me for a bearded dragon ever since she saw Nim's Island. When I told her we can't get one because they are a lot of money she seemed satisfied.

The mealworm is really the larval stage of a black beetle called the Tenebrio beetle.Beetles can be a lot like butterflies. They have a larval stage, a pupal stage, and an adult stage. In butterflies we usually call those stages "caterpillar," "chrysalis," and "butterfly." In beetles we usually call them "grub" (or larva), "pupa" and "beetle." So after a year or two as a mealworm, the mealworm will form a pupa and after a few weeks will emerge as an adult beetle. Marvelous huh?!

Kristen has two snails and when we got back from EPCOT I convinced her to let them go. So we put the cage out back. About a week later a snail was on our back step trying to get in our door. She is convinced that he liked it so much inside our house he wanted to come back and live. So here he is in his new habitat.

Kristen-I mean Suki

Kristen has found a favorite book called Suki's Kimono. It's about a little girl who's obaachan (grandmother) visits her from Japan and brings her a kimono and takes her to a Japanese festival. On the little girl's first day of school she wears it and her friends and sisters make fun of her until she tells her class about her experience and they all clap after she dances. It's a sweet book and I often read it to her with her name in it.