Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our Garden

This year we planted an organic garden. We planted sage, pumpkins and carrots. Unfortunately with all the rain we had during hurricane season our pumpkin vines didn't make it. We were able to see them blossom but no pumpkins grew. The sage grew great and so did our carrots. The taste of home grown carrots is so much more flavorful then the store bought organic carrots. We learned to use certain bugs as pesticides to keep our plants heathy. Next year the girls want to grow more vegetables including corn, carrots, green beans, tomatoes and squash. Kristen wants to grow cotton as we have a whole bag of cotton seeds from when we visited a cotton gin in Georgia last year when we were studying Eli Whitney. With all this planting Peter is going to have to build us some more garden boxes to hold everything!

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