Friday, October 17, 2008

180 Days Around the World

This year I am using the My Father's World Countries and Cultures curriculum where we are learning about the different countries around the world. Since the State of Florida requires us to school 180 days I decided our theme this year would be 180 Days Around the World. We started off by reading 80 Days Around the World. The twins had so many questions. The first day of school the girls had German Cones filled with their school supplies and a couple of other goodies.

First we studied North America and the deserts. So to kick off our study we did an introduction at Disney World. We ate at the Wilderness Lodge. After eating we sat at the base of the totem poles (the Raven and the Eagle) and learned about totem poles and then made some of our own using molding clay.

The next day we went to Canada and saw the 360 degree movie. The twins thought that was amazing! Oh, we also have fake passports that we are getting stamped along the way. The passports look so real and the kids learned all about passports the first week of school when I handed them out after getting their passport picture taken.

Next, we were off to Mexico where we took the Three Amigo ride to learn about Mexico. Here is a picture of the girls with Donald Duck and their sombreros.

The next day we learned about North America and visited Disney Studios since America is known for it's film industry. We learned about Walt Disney. We also took a drawing class and everyone drew Pluto all by themselves with instruction from the art person. Here is Emma picture.

We can't wait to go back to Disney for Christmas Around the World and to the Animal Kingdom when we study Africa and Asia.
I wished we had enough money every time we learned about something we could just hop on a plane and go see. It's so much more memorable.

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