Saturday, October 18, 2008


For science we are studying different biomes or habitats as we work are way around the world. We started off studying deserts in North America. My friend brought us back red rocks and sand from Arizona. The kids have to keep up a science journal about what they learn through pictures and writing. Kristen loves frogs. So we studied the Spadefoot Toad among other desert animals. The girls made deserts out of playdoh, toothpicks and dirt from Arizona. Here are some photos of what they created. Kristen even made a bird in her Saguaro cactus. Hannah did a prickley pear cactus and saguaro cactus. One day we even made a tent and pretended to be nomads. Kristen is hunting in this picture and Emma and Hannah were making food. Here is another one of them sleeping. I was also able to school a nomad. Now, that doesn't happen everyday.

Nim's Island Birthday party

The twins had their birthday party later in the summer this year. It's been 3 years since they had one at home because we are always in New England for their birthday. They wanted a Nim's Island birthday so they watched Nim's Island and then had a treasure hunt where we made a map and hid different pieces throughout the yard. Once they found all the pieces they put them together to figure out where the treasure chest was hidden. We celebrated with a volcano cake from Chili's and present time with friends.

Friday, October 17, 2008

180 Days Around the World

This year I am using the My Father's World Countries and Cultures curriculum where we are learning about the different countries around the world. Since the State of Florida requires us to school 180 days I decided our theme this year would be 180 Days Around the World. We started off by reading 80 Days Around the World. The twins had so many questions. The first day of school the girls had German Cones filled with their school supplies and a couple of other goodies.

First we studied North America and the deserts. So to kick off our study we did an introduction at Disney World. We ate at the Wilderness Lodge. After eating we sat at the base of the totem poles (the Raven and the Eagle) and learned about totem poles and then made some of our own using molding clay.

The next day we went to Canada and saw the 360 degree movie. The twins thought that was amazing! Oh, we also have fake passports that we are getting stamped along the way. The passports look so real and the kids learned all about passports the first week of school when I handed them out after getting their passport picture taken.

Next, we were off to Mexico where we took the Three Amigo ride to learn about Mexico. Here is a picture of the girls with Donald Duck and their sombreros.

The next day we learned about North America and visited Disney Studios since America is known for it's film industry. We learned about Walt Disney. We also took a drawing class and everyone drew Pluto all by themselves with instruction from the art person. Here is Emma picture.

We can't wait to go back to Disney for Christmas Around the World and to the Animal Kingdom when we study Africa and Asia.
I wished we had enough money every time we learned about something we could just hop on a plane and go see. It's so much more memorable.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Kelson's 3rd Birthday

The week of Kelson's birthday was a gift from God! We were excited to celebrate his 3rd birthday, excited to have him as our son, and HE was excited because God put construction vehicles in his front yard! Yes, you heard me right. Every day the week of his birthday they were tearing up the road in front of our house putting in new water lines. After he got home from preschool he got to sit outside and eat his snack and watch the diggers, dump trucks and front loaders. Of course for his birthday we had to have a construction vehicle cake. Kelson didn't eat any of his cake but he sure had a fun time playing in it!
Here are some pictures of the kids watching the construction vehicles and Kelson's birthday.

Since the Jacksonville Electric Authority was digging in our neighborhood they also had HUGE piles of dirt and rocks on our street too. So if JEA gives you dirt and rocks you must get dirty!!!! And they did. Here are some pictures of the kids having a great time playing. They were do black and dirty I had to hose them off before coming in and taking a bath. What fun!

Upward Soccer

The girls are playing Upward Soccer this year. It's great b/c they are all on the same team and their games are at 8:30 a.m. in the morning so we have the rest of our day to do family things. Here is a picture of the girls in their uniforms. There team name is the Jaguars.

Hurricane Weather

Well we survived hurricane season so far. It doesn't officially end until November so we are getting close. We decided to take out our weather forecast kit and use it during the hurricane, plus we were tired of being inside so we went outside and played in our NEW lakefront property. Here is a photo of our lake front property and the kids with their weather kit.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Island Schooling

During the summer we decided to "Island School" after seeing the movie Nim's Island. Every summer the kids get to pick a topic they would like to learn about so anything that had to do with Nim's Island it was. We started off reading the book Nim's Island by Wendy Orr. It was so good we had to read the sequel- Nim at Sea. These books are great pieces of literature! I missed reading the girls the last chapters of Nim at Sea one night because I had a meeting. When I found out they finished the book I had to read it for myself.

We studied islands, marine animals, maps, water, and recycling. We ate coconuts and drank the coconut milk. We painted murals. Emma did hers of the tree house with Nim and Selkie inside. Hannah and Kristen did theirs of the island with the volcano, the garden, the treehouse and cave. Our field trips included going to Marineland to learn about dolphins, to Blazing Reptiles to learn about bearded dragons, to the zoo to pet and feed the manta rays, and watching the Dolphins IMAX movie. We even grew our own Protozoa and named them (you'll need to see the movie to understand that one). Then went to EcoEd to view them under the microscope along with some bio luminescent creatures from the Japan. We almost got to excavate baby sea turtles. Next year we'll go to the Georgia Sea Turtle Center and do that. Our biggest adventure was when we went to Boston, MA to the New England Aquarium. What a day of learning that was! We mostly concentrated on the sea lions since we can't experience them in Florida. Here are some photos of us enjoying coconuts, field trips, etc. The first week of school we finished up Island schooling by making paper mache animals and sewing sea turtles. Here is a picture of our bearded dragon and starfish. I have also attached a photo of "our" Nim.