Thursday, May 6, 2010

Giant Sea Tube Worm

We have been studying sea creatures with the curriculum Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day. Today was the last day of reading in the book and we learned about sea tube worms. Tomorrow at coop the kids are suppose to dress up like their favorite sea creature. Hannah decided to dress like a giant sea tube worm. Here is her costume made out of cardboard and a feather duster. Tube worms live in these tube like bodies and have plumes that look like feathers that come out to catch their food. Here is a picture of Hannah and an actual picture of Giant Sea Tube Worms.

Throughout the year at our homeschool coop the girls have done reports for science class. Kristen did a report on the Green Sea Turtle and dressed up like one. She made her own shell out of cardboard and drew on it and added a belt to tie it on her back. Here is a picture of her with her Green Sea Turtle outfit.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kristen's Baptism

What a sweet day! Kristen got baptized at our church. She has been very adamant about getting baptized since last summer. Unfortunately, we were out of town on vacation and missed the baptism classes. So she checked to make sure she didn't miss the next one. She was very clear on stage when she gave her testimony. I wrote it here for those of you who asked me for it.

"I am Kristen Davis and I am 7 years old. When I was 4 years old I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins so that I can live with him forever in Heaven. I knew that I needed Jesus because I could not forgive my own sins.

My favorite Bible verse is John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

My life is different now because I want to tell people about Jesus. I want to serve others and forgive others when they sin against me.

I want to be baptized because I want people to know I have Jesus in my heart."

We always felt that the names we gave our children had meaning. We wanted their names to fit their personality. As Kristen gets older I see how her name fits her. Kristen means "Follower of Christ". So it is befitting that she would be the first sibling to get baptized even though she is younger. She has so much love and compassion for others. She always thinks of others first. One time her sister didn't have a piece of candy like everyone else and she gave her only piece to her sister and went without.

After church my mom and some of Kristen's friends and our neighbors came over to celebrate with us. We ate lunch and had ice cream cake. Kristen's cake said,"Kristen, Child of God."

Here are some pictures of her giving her testimony and of her after she was "dunked". I am also going to include the video of her testimony. It got cut off at the end, but you get the idea of what it was like.
